TYT (Basic Competency Test) and AYT (Field Competency Test) are two important exams used for university entrance exams in Turkey.

TYT (Basic Competency Test)

TYT is the first stage exam used as the entrance exam for universities in Turkey. It aims to measure students’ basic knowledge and skills.

TYT consists of four main sections: Turkish, Social Sciences, Science and Mathematics.

The duration and format of the exam may vary each year, but it usually consists of multiple-choice questions.

The TYT score is a prerequisite for students to enter the AYT.
AYT (Field Competency Test)

AYT is the second stage exam for students who have passed TYT and measures students’ knowledge and skills in specific areas.

There are three different fields in AYT: Social Sciences, Science and Literature-Humanities.

The AYT also includes multiple-choice questions and the duration of the exam may change every year.

TYT and AYT results are used to place students in their preferred university programs. The exams are held in July each year and are an important step towards university entrance in Turkey. Students who will take these exams should obtain information about the current format, syllabus and application dates from official sources.