Distance Education

Those who are unable to complete their formal education may register for schools of distance
education in order to complete their secondary education. If the same applies to you, you can
apply for registration to the Directorate of Public Education Center after obtaining a certificate
of equivalence from the Directorate of National Education in your province. Units of distance
education are as follows;
‣ Secondary Schools of Distance Education; offer an opportunity to complete primary education for elementary school graduates and those who quit primary education at any grade.
‣ High Schools of Distance Education; offer an opportunity to receive education for those who
completed their primary school education but did not continue with their secondary education. Those who received education on abroad may register for high schools of Distance
Education provided that they prove their educational background specified in their equivalence certificates.
‣ Religious High Schools of Distance Education; grant admission to those who completed
their primary education, did not continue secondary education, and to higher education graduates.
‣ Vocational and Technical Schools of Distance Education; provide citizens with an occupation by means of remote education or face-to-face education when necessary for those
who completed their primary education and above. Such schools also grant admission to
foreigners in Turkey.